Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Client Feedback

Back in May I accepted a job for a design firm. Typically, this firm has all their stuff made by a high-end factory line and employs people like me to install it. However, for this job they needed specialty parts the factory doesn't offer and they needed a careful color match. So they came to me, I have the advantage of flexibility a factory can't compete with.

During the initial meeting it became obvious that the designer had promised an almost immediate start to the project, which I could not do. I told them I could have it finished by the first week of August, but no promises of anytime before.

The client was hesitant and put pressure on the design to pressure me, which they did. But I couldn't budge. I give each project my complete attention and work to make each as good as the last. Quality is something I won't compromise on. I always do my best to keep to my deadlines, but too often things just take longer. Much of this job requires trial and error or changes, and somethings (like glue and finishes) simply don't care about schedules. So time is something that often gets sacrificed unfortunately, but not quality.

Today I completed installing the first part of the project. After cleaning up and packing up my tools, the client arrived to see my work. She stood quietly for a few tense seconds, carefully looking over everything. The let out a long breath and said, "Wow! You were worth waiting for!"

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